Eat a Bag of Dicks!
Why have one bag of delicious gummy penises when you can have 20 bags!
This bag of gummy penises is a great way to tell your friends, family, loved ones, or enemies to eat a bag of dicks. Stick it to them anonymously and you will get your point across in a way that nobody will mistake.
Once your order is processed an anonymous package will be sent to your target containing 2 things; A BIG bag of delicious gummy candy penises, and a note exclaiming 'EAT A BAG OF DICKS'.
Nothing More. Nothing Less.
You will remain anonymous and silently chuckle to yourself for years to come as you picture them wondering, always questioning "Who sent this to me?", "Are there more tasty gifts on their way?", "Why does this keep happening to me?!", and/or laughing themselves until they are physically ill. Yes their reaction will be much tastier than the bag of candy dicks you sent to them. What are you waiting for?